“You are the greatest project you will ever work on, and also your most fruitful, if you just get out of your own way.” 
–Ary Rodriguez

I am a native of Miami, FL who fell in love with Charlotte, North Carolina after a visit to friends in February of 2016. The process that brought me here was one of pure destiny and fate, as I never planned on leaving Miami.

I recall having arrived in Charlotte and feeling as if I had gotten home. It was quite an interesting few days following my arrival as I jokingly said that I was going to move. I even went as far as going to the leasing office of my friend’s complex, looking at an apartment and having them place me on their wait-list for the apartment I specifically wanted.  The rest, as they say, is history. 

My life has always revolved around alternative healing methods starting with becoming a Reiki Master in 2004. Hypnosis, however,  became my passion. The inner workings of the mind and how perception can really alter everything was something that just fascinated me.  In July of 2011, I completed my training in Advanced Hypnosis at the Clear View Hypnotherapy Institute in Doral, FL. Since then, I have continued my studies to include  Magnified Healing ®, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® (QHHT). The more I learn, the more I feel I am able to help others and myself, as hypnosis is a symbiotic relationship between the practitioner and the client.

Now, although I love all of my clients, my favorite kind of people to work with are people who are looking to better themselves. Those who want to have higher self-esteem and self-confidence; the ones that have physical and/or emotional transformation goals; or the ones whose relationships are weighing them down. These kinds of clients are my favorite because I used to be that person. Thanks to all of these healing arts, I am a better me for myself and for you.

My preferred coaching method is "no filter-no sugarcoating". This means that there might be some things I point out that might make you feel uncomfortable and possibly even angry with me. Those are the things, I feel, we will need to work on the most. 

The truth is, most growth and development will come from pushing past your comfort zones. 

 My goal is to guide you through the process and help you grow, transform, heal, and develop into the best version of yourself.  Stop getting in your own way. Contact me today and let’s begin your journey together.
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